Parliament Winter Session Live Updates: The faceoff between BJP and Opposition MPs over the no-confidence motion against Vice President Jagdeep Dhankhar is likely to continue in Rajya Sabha today. The Opposition INDIA bloc MPs have alleged Dhankhar of “partisan behaviour” and have called him the “biggest disruptor” in the House. The Upper House witnessed disruptions yesterday with the treasury bench and Opposition MPs trading barbs over each other. The BJP MPs have been targeting the Congress party over the alleged nexus between US hedge fund tycoon George Soros and Sonia Gandhi.
Motion against Allahabad HC judge: The INDIA bloc MPs are also preparing to give notice to move a motion to impeach Allahabad High Court judge Justice Shekhar Kumar Yadav over his controversial statements against minorities. This follows his controversial statements against minorities during an event organised by the Vishwa Hindu Parishad last week. As many as 38 Opposition MPs have signed the petition, which may be moved today if 50 signatures are obtained.
Bills in Parliament today: The Disaster Management (Amendment) Bill and the Readjustment of Representation of Scheduled Tribes in Assembly Constituencies of the State of Goa Bill are likely to be discussed in Lok Sabha today. Union Minister for Finance Nirmala Sitharaman is likely to move the Banking Laws (Amendment) Bill in Rajya Sabha.
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