A day after fierce arguments in the Lok Sabha during the Constitution debate, members from the Opposition and Treasury benches came together as a team on Sunday to compete against Rajya Sabha MPs during a cricket match between Lok Sabha Speaker XI and Rajya Sabha Chairman XI. The friendly match was organised by BJP MP Anurag Thakur to raise awareness about India’s fight against Tuberculosis. The Speaker XI, led by Thakur and including Congress MP Deepender Hooda, beat the Chairman XI, captained by Kiren Rijiju, by 73 runs. BJP MP Nishikant Dubey was adjudged as the best fielder.
In Black & White
From uniforms to its emblem, the Supreme Court traditionally followed black and white colours. The tenure of former CJI D Y Chandrachud saw a shift to blue. A new emblem in blue was adopted and a circular was also brought out that court officials will use blue suits starting June 1, 2025. But with new CJI Sanjiv Khanna in office, the top court has recalled the plan to replace the black and white uniform of officials with blue ones.
Travel Cost
The Delhi Police Commissioner has asked all Group ‘A’ and lower rank officers to submit detailed proposals for foreign visits, specifying each and every expenditure. He issued the circular last week after it was observed that while declaring estimated expenditure to be incurred on foreign visits, the officers were projecting expenses of travel and stay which were not commensurate with normal expenditure. He said these unrealistic projections “tantamount to concealment of facts”. According to the circular, the proposal should reach the headquarters at least 40 days before the date of visit so that the same can be re-examined and forwarded to the Delhi government at least 30 days in advance, seeking approval of the competent authority.
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