Horoscope Today, December 17, 2024: Check astrological prediction for Gemini, Scorpio and other signs

ARIES HOROSCOPE TODAY: back-tracking is necessary

A word is necessary about your professional affairs. I don’t foresee any unexpected changes, but you must be aware that a certain amount of back-tracking is necessary, and that this may result in temporary frustration. However, it will all be worth it!

TAURUS HOROSCOPE TODAY: you have an ideal opportunity

With the Moon now so strong in your solar chart, you have an ideal opportunity to prove just how perceptive and open to a partner’s needs you really are. Your maternal qualities are at their best, so you may be taking control at home or accepting a new professional responsibility.

GEMINI HOROSCOPE TODAY: it is the perfect time for forgiveness

Although it may go against the grain, you will have to smile sweetly, no matter what other people say or do. It is undoubtedly a perfect time for forgiveness, even if others are going all out for revenge. A soothing word will completely take the wind out of their sails.

CANCER HOROSCOPE TODAY: begin at the end

You seem to be angry about an emotional or family question, though whether you can do anything about it is another matter. Given that you will indeed be able to right an injustice, the question now is where to start? You might have to begin at the end and work back!

LEO HOROSCOPE TODAY: stick to methods

It is surely better to stick to methods which are tried and tested and have proved themselves over the past few months. One thing you have to strive for is respect from partners and associates, and this will come if you show that you are prepared to be true to your word.

VIRGO HOROSCOPE TODAY: moral and ethical considerations are vital

Moral and ethical considerations are vital, for it’s important that you do the right thing. You may not gain materially from being noble and selfless, but you will surely boost the quality of your life. Optimism is the theme for the next twenty-four hours.

LIBRA HOROSCOPE TODAY: preserve and build on all important relationship

In a matter of days, the Sun will have altered its position, putting the onus on you to improve your financial situation. Joint arrangements will be most significant, so preserve and build on all important relationships. Somebody is waiting for you to make the first move.

SCORPIO HOROSCOPE TODAY: ou can pursue different options 

You’re honestly not sure whether private or public life is more important. Perhaps other people can help you, so why not ask around? For once partners are in a very good position to offer a helping hand, and it may become clear that you can indeed pursue different options at the same time.

SAGITTARIUS HOROSCOPE TODAY: keep things in perspective

Take the fullest possible advantage of today’s amazingly favourable planetary aspects to lift your spirits. It matters not whether your life is easy or difficult, just as long as you keep things in perspective. Also, only make commitments you know that you can stick to.

CAPRICORN HOROSCOPE TODAY: you are about to change your mind about what you want

You seem to be reorganising your home, but you are also about to change your mind about what you want. The only way to tackle family relationships is through realising that nobody, not even you, can ever be free of the past. You can be fully independent and fulfil your duties at the same time.

AQUARIUS HOROSCOPE TODAY: your memory might be playing tricks on you 

An unusual amount of planetary activity in sensitive regions of your chart is drawing your attention to certain quibbles and queries at home. Problem-solving is now on the agenda, so get on with creating a brighter future. The past may seem like a golden age, but your memory might be playing tricks on you.

PISCES HOROSCOPE TODAY: you ought to be out of the doldrums

Now you really ought to be out of the doldrums. Venus lines up with friendly planets to create a sense that the world is rather a wonderful place after all, so put on your rose-tinted spectacles before you go out this morning. It’s time to wear your happy face!

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