If you suffer from insomnia, you must have tried millions of remedies to help you sleep better, from melatonin to meditation. According to Shivani Misri Sadhoo, Relationship Counsellor & Psychologist sexual stimulation might help promote a better quality of sleep.
“During sexual activity, the body releases endorphins and oxytocin, which are able to promote relaxation and reduce stress.” she said. These hormones promote quicker sleep onset and contribute to a deeper and more restful sleep. Additionally, sexual activity often leads to physical exhaustion, which can further help in falling asleep.
Is this effect different for men and women?
The sleep benefits of sex can apply to both men and women, but individual experiences may differ based on personal factors and preferences. For example, some men might feel physically exhausted after sex, helping them fall asleep faster, while others might feel more energized. Likewise, women may find that the emotional connection and relaxation from sex enhance their sleep, though this can also vary depending on individual stress levels and circumstances.
Does masturbation also help in improving sleeping patterns?
Just like sexual activity with a partner, masturbation also leads to the release of endorphins and oxytocin, which promote relaxation and may reduce stress. This hormonal release mostly results in a sense of calm and contentment, which can make it easier to fall asleep. Masturbation also leads to physical exhaustion, which may contribute to improved sleep quality. “However, individual experiences vary, and while it might be beneficial for many, others probably not find it as effective or may experience different effects based on personal factors and stress levels.” said Shivani.
How often would having sex help with sleeping patterns?
The frequency at which sex benefits sleep can differ from person to person. Engaging in sex daily might be helpful for some, promoting relaxation and improving sleep quality. For others, it may not have a significant impact or could potentially lead to physical or emotional fatigue if not approached with mutual comfort and enthusiasm. As mentioned above, individual responses vary, so what benefits one person may not be ideal for another. Eventually, the key is maintaining a balance that suits both partners’ needs, and desires and ensuring that sexual activity is consensual and enjoyable.
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