A few months after shots were fired at Salman Khan’s residence in Bandra, Mumbai, the star’s balcony has now been covered with a blue glass, which is reportedly bulletproof. His home, Galaxy Apartments, is often visited by his fans as they wait on the road for a glimpse of the star. Salman also makes an appearance in the balcony and waves to his fans on occasions like his birthday and Eid. The security around his house has been tightened since MLA Baba Siddique’s murder in October.
Photos and videos of Salman’s house with the new bulletproof glass are being shared online.
In April 2024, five rounds were shot outside Salman’s house while the star was inside his apartment. Later, Lawrence Bishnoi’s younger brother Anmol Bishnoi allegedly claimed responsibility for the attack via a Facebook post. Bishnoi gang had been threatening Salman for many years as the actor was accused shooting and killing a blackbuck in the year 1998 during the shoot of Hum Saath Saath Hain. Blackbucks are seen as holy by the Bishnoi community.
Mumbai police has claimed in its chargesheet that Bishnoi gang was responsible for the murder of Baba Siddique, because of his closeness to Salman. The politician and the actor shared a close friendship for many years.
Salman is getting ready for his next release Sikandar on Eid. The film also stars Rashmika Mandanna and has been directed by AR Murugadoss.
The actor was recently seen in a cameo in Singham Again and Baby John. In Singham Again, Salman appeared in the last few seconds as Chulbul Pandey, suggesting that his Dabangg character would become a part of the Singham universe. His last film as a leading hero released in 2023, Tiger 3, which also starred Katrina Kaif. Salman is already a part of YRF’s Spy Universe with his character Tiger.
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