researchers at the Indian Institute of Technology Gandhinagar (IITGN) have developed a chatbot that processes queries from the Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB), analyses the data and delivers answers in a layman’s language or through visualisations such as graphs and heatmaps.
A chatbot is a computer programme that simulates and processes human conversations as if they are communicating with a real person.
The chatbot — VayuBuddy — has been designed to make air quality data accessible to everyone, said the researchers. VayuBuddy uses artificial intelligence to respond to the queries about air quality, according to the researchers.
One of the researchers, Zeel Patel, underscoring the versatility of the tool, said: “ VayuBuddy opens up new possibilities for engaging with air quality data by combining data analysis with AI-powered conversations. It has been designed to work for everyone, not just experts.”
Policymakers can track compliance with air quality standards, parents can evaluate their children’s exposure, and journalists can report trends using ready-to-publish charts, said Dr Sarath Guttikunda, air quality expert and collaborator for the chatbot.
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